Monday, January 27, 2020

The development and evolution of Gregorian chant

The development and evolution of Gregorian chant For centuries, Gregorian chant was considered the official music of the Catholic Church. Naturally, this degree of importance placed on the genre gives it considerable significance, both religious and cultural. Its exact beginnings, however, are not absolutely known. Also, chant has changed over time due to it being based on practices of the Church, which have also changed over time due to decrees by various popes, agendas of monastic orders, and the influences of and intermingling of cultures, such as the Franks, Romans, and Byzantines. Although the name of Gregorian chant is derived from Pope Gregory I â€Å"The Great†, it has its roots much earlier in history, predating Christianity. In fact, Christian chant is believed to have been originally derived from Judaism, as there was a considerable amount of common ground between Jewish and early Christian liturgies (Werner 20). This is seen through writings of the early church which show that the early Christian church was heavily influenced by Hebrew worship (Barton). However, there is little information available from chants of early centuries compared to Gregorian chant and other chants of later centuries (Hiley 478). One reason for this is that musical notation for chants of this time did not exist, for at this time chants were an entirely oral rather than written tradition. Also contributing to this lack of information is that early Christians were persecuted, forcing private worship until the Edict of Milan of 313, which gave Christians the right of freed om of worship in Rome (484). Due to this freedom, Christianity could afford to become more formalized and organized, its music included. There is further ambiguity surrounding the specific origins of Gregorian chant in considering Pope Gregory himself. What Gregorys influence was on Gregorian chant is debatable, as there is limited evidence supporting that he either had a great deal of influence on the genre, such as directly composing chants, or virtually none (513). However, two pieces of evidence support a common theory of his involvement in the creation of Gregorian chant that was known throughout the Middle Ages, which are two books written by Pope Gregory. These two books, entitled Antiphonarium and Graduale Romanum, are compilations of already existing chants that Pope Gregory designated for specific parts of Catholic mass which supports the theory that his involvement was limited to such compilations (D‘Silva). An example of Gregorys ordering to use specific music in liturgy is him mandating that the Allelulia be used during mass for an entire year (Apel 41). Despite the lack of specific information concerning the beginnings of chant that would later evolve to become Gregorian chant, the origins of Gregorian chant as it was known throughout the Middle Ages are more clear, as music books, although they still were not musically notated, of the genre were created by the Franks at around the 9th century, making the genre easier to trace through history to that point (Hiley 514). Note that it was not until the 10th century that sources were created containing musical notation, namely being musically annotated Graduals and Antiphonals from the Codex 359 (Apel 52). Also, it was not until the 11th century that music was annotated in a way so that tunes could be read (53). In addition to these musical books, various manuscripts were written that outlined liturgical proceedings, allowing for further clarification of the specifics of Gregorian chant (53). The peoples who ruled the area that is roughly present-day France played a large role in forming Gregorian chant to what it is, from the Franks to the Carolingians (Hiley 512). This started under the rule of the Frank king Pepin, who lead the Franks to control much of Europe through military conquest, spreading the culture of chant to the Franks, and also causing reforms to Gregorian chant by the Franks and their successors (513). In addition to causing chant to be more widespread, the intervention of the Franks also caused Gregorian chant to evolve from further influences (513). Not only did the influence of the Franks allow the beginnings of Gregorian chant to be seen more easily, as was described previously, but their musical texts also show the original motives behind its development, the main motive being to help control how the liturgy was run by assigning specific chants to certain parts of the liturgy, as was done by Pope Gregory (515). In the case of the Franks (namely Pepin and also Charlemagne), the reasoning behind trying to control the specifics of the liturgy was so that it would become standardized since many members of the church were influenced by their own local traditions in structuring the liturgy, which Frank leadership was trying to suppress (Barbon). Of course, due to the amount of time between Pope Gregorys writings and the adoption of chant by the Frankish church (300 years), it can be safely assumed that the liturgical assignments of the Franks were different than those of Pope Gregory. More changes were made as well in Gregorian chant, including the style of singing, such as the combining of both Roman and Frankish singers, although eventually a return to a more Roman styled liturgy and type of singing occurred among the Franks (Hiley 517). Since writing texts for the chants was still not common practice and musical notation for them did not yet exist, it follows that the Franks had to learn Roman liturgy and chants by memory when this shift back to strictly Roman liturgy occurred. This also denotes that the number of chants that were used and popular were not too numerous at this point in time, as they could still be all memorized. Despite the shift back to a Roman style liturgy, over the years and into the 9th century to the start of the rule of the Carolingians, who succeeded the Franks, Gregorian chant continued to evolve as new musical elements were added to the genre by the Franks and more compositions were created (Hiley 517). Some of these changes were brought on by outside influences on Gregorian chant, such as by the Byzantines, who developed the eight mode system (529). The fact that the amount of compositions of Gregorian chant were increasing can be tied in with the development of written musical texts around this time period, causing Gregorian chant to shift away from a strictly oral tradition, for it would no longer be possible to memorize all of the chants necessary as their numbers grew. As the popularity of Gregorian chant grew, it underwent several more reforms and evolutions, mostly during the 12th and 13th centuries (Hiley 608). An example of such a reform was more specific notation being used in writing chant, which included specifying pitch, among other specific musical elements (608). Another reform was the tendency to drift away from previous melodies of the Middle Ages, creating a type of chant called â€Å"Neo-Gallican† chant (609). Many of these changes made to Gregorian chant were initiated by various orders, two major ones being the Cistercians, who believed in performing the liturgy as it was done originally, and the Dominicans, whose reforms, like the efforts of many before it, were aimed at standardizing the liturgy (612). Gregorian chant did not enjoy constant growth and popularity, however. After the 12th century, the popularity and growth of Gregorian chant started to wane, presumably due to a period of reduced popularity of the Catholic Church (DSilva). Also, around the 16th century the Catholic Church was threatened by Protestantism, which also played a part in decreasing the popularity of the church, thus affecting the popularity of traditional monastic liturgies and music (Hiley 615). Another such period of decadence for the church and for Gregorian chant was during the age of Enlightenment, as less emphasis was placed on the church and God and instead more on the individual and reason. As a result of this new ideology, the power and influence of the church began to decline. In addition to the general ideology of the time, another reason for the decline of the Church was the political struggle caused by the French Revolution, which caused a reform in the French church so that it no longer observed previous monastic traditions (Bergeron xii). Due to Gregorian chants close association with the church, its popularity began to decline as well (Barton). This causes yet another obstacle in acquiring information about Gregorian chant and thus makes it more difficult to interpret today as the knowledge of how to interpret various medieval musical notations was lost (Barton). A large factor of why Gregorian chant did not die out completely is the involvement of monks at the French monastery at Solesmes, and other such monasteries, who during the 19th century were commissioned by Pope St. Pius X to modernize Gregorian chant (DSilva). They achieved this by removing the strict association that Gregorian chant had with the church, secularizing it and adding a meditative, â€Å"trancelike appeal† (DSilva). In the end, Gregorian chant was changed to be more akin to classical Roman chant than the Gregorian chant of the Middle Ages. As a result, the chant that is known today as Gregorian chant is more similar to early plainchant rather than what was originally dubbed as â€Å"Gregorian chant† (DSilva). As a result of this change of the style of Gregorian chant, along with the declining power of the Catholic Church and thus the popularity of Gregorian chant, it is difficult to know what Gregorian chant of the Middle Ages exactly sounded like (Barton). Another factor that contributes to this is the lack of musical notation with text in the Middle Ages, and that some of the notation that does exist from the time period cannot be interpreted due to these periods of decrease in popularity. Overall, the fact that chant was originally a purely oral tradition that consisted of few enough chants that could be memorized, along with Gregorian chants affiliation with a religion that was originally persecuted and later declining in popularity, contributes to the murkiness of the origins of Gregorian chant. Also, the fact that Christianity underwent significant changes from the time of its conception to modern times results in equally significant changes occurring in the style of music that was so closely affiliated with its prominent church, even causing Gregorian chant to nearly die out on several occasions in history. However, despite the several bouts of decrease in popularity that Gregorian chant experienced, it is currently one of the oldest forms of music that is actively listened to today (DSilva). Also, the many changes that Gregorian chant underwent throughout history makes it very unique, as it cannot be entirely attributed to any specific event, person, or even nation or empire. Instead, as David Hiley states, â€Å"†¦Gregorian chant is neither of one specific time, nor wholly Roman, nor wholly anything else† (Hiley 513).

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Problem Areas in Legal Ethics Essay

Seeing as Wendy and Ben are both well provided for in Manuel’s will, and that their respective legitimes are protected under Articles 892, 894, and 897 of the New Civil Code, contesting the will simply to deprive Cora of Manuel’s bequeathal may be considered frivolous. For Louie to advise Wendy to sue based on unfairness may not be enough to justify the amount of time and energy that Wendy may expend in contesting Manuel’s will, a feat that may not prosper in the first place. Art. 892. If only one legitimate child or descendant of the deceased survives, the widow or widower shall be entitled to one-fourth of the hereditary estate. In case of a legal separation, the surviving spouse may inherit if it was the deceased who had given cause for the same. If there are two or more legitimate children or descendants, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to a portion equal to the legitime of each of the legitimate children or descendants. In both cases, the legitime of the surviving spouse shall be taken from the portion that can be freely disposed of by the testator. (834a) Art. 894. If the testator leaves illegitimate children, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-third of the hereditary estate of the deceased and the illegitimate children to another third. The remaining third shall be at the free disposal of the testator. (n) Art. 897. When the widow or widower survives with legitimate children or descendants, and acknowledged natural children, or natural children by legal fiction, such surviving spouse shall be entitled to a portion equal to the legitime of each of the legitimate children which must be taken from that part of the estate which the testator can freely dispose of. (n) In each of the instances in the articles reproduced above, Wendy will be well provided for in relation to Ben’s legitime, regardless of how he is recognized in relation to Manuel’s will. Louie may withdraw his legal services under Canon 22. 01(e) of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Canon 22 – A Lawyer Shall Withdraw His Services Only For Good Cause And Upon Notice Appropriate In The Circumstances. Rule 22. 01 – A lawyer may withdraw his services in any of the following case: (e) When the client deliberately fails to pay the fees for the services or fails to comply with the retainer agreement; Seeing as Wendy finds his standard fees unreasonable, and that she is not indigent (which would qualify her to demand equal treatment under Canon 14 and Rule 14. 4), that is, she is capable of paying his fees, there can be no reason for him to be stopped from removing himself from the case. Canon 14 – A Lawyer Shall Not Refuse His Services To The Needy. Rule 14. 04 – A lawyer who accepts the cause of a person unable to pay his professional fees shall observe the same standard of conduct governing his relations with paying clients. Similarly, there is nothing unfair or unreasonable regarding Louie’s fees as this is his standard service fee. There is absolutely no reason to be entangled in a situation enunciated in Canon 20. 04. Canon 20 – A Lawyer Shall Charge Only Fair And Reasonable Fees. Rule 20. 04 – A lawyer shall avoid controversies with clients concerning his compensation and shall resort to judicial action only to prevent imposition, injustice or fraud. Of course, Louie cannot invoke, as a reason for charging Wendy his fees, that the case would take too much of his time and skill as an attorney. Santiago vs. Fojas is specific in stating that a lawyer who accepts a case should â€Å"serve his clients with competence and diligence, and champion the latter’s cause with whole-hearted fidelity†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Manuel’s will meant for P500,000. 0 to be given to Cora. If Wendy litigates for its recovery with the promise to turn over the same to Louie, it defeats the purpose of said money as inheritance. Clearly the money was meant for someone else. Louie would appear to be fighting in court for his interests rather than that of Wendy’s alleged better right over Cora to the money. More importantly, such an agreement would constitute a champertous contract, which, as defined in Bautista vs. Gonzales: An agreement whereby an attorney agrees to pay expenses of proceedings to enforce the client’s rights is champertous [JBP Holding Corp. v. U. S. 166 F.  Supp. 324 (1958)]. Such agreements are against public policy especially where, as in this case, the attorney has agreed to carry on the action at his own expense in consideration of some bargain to have part of the thing in dispute [See Sampliner v. Motion Pictures Patents Co. , et al. , 255 F. 242 (1918)]. This would not constitute a contingency fee, which is defined in Taganas vs. NLRC: A contingent fee arrangement is an agreement laid down in an express contract between a lawyer and a client in which the lawyer’s professional fee, usually a fixed percentage of what may be recovered in the action is ade to depend upon the success of the litigation. This arrangement is valid in this jurisdiction. It is, however, under the supervision and scrutiny of the court to protect clients from unjust charges. Section 13 of the Canons of Professional Ethics states that â€Å"[a] contract for a contingent fee, where sanctioned by law, should be reasonable under all the circumstances of the case including the risk and uncertainty of the compensation, but should always be subject to the supervision of a court, as to its reasonableness†. Likewise, Rule 138, Section 24 of the Rules of Court provides: Sec. 4. Compensation of attorneys; agreement as to fees. — An attorney shall be entitled to have and recover from his client no more than a reasonable compensation for his services, with a view to the importance of the subject-matter of the controversy, the extent of the services rendered, and the professional standing of the attorney. No court shall be bound by the opinion of attorneys as expert witnesses as to the proper compensation but may disregard such testimony and base its conclusion on its own professional knowledge. A written contract for services shall control the amount to be paid therefor unless found by the court to be unconscionable or unreasonable. When it comes, therefore, to the validity of contingent fees, in large measure it depends on the reasonableness of the stipulated fees under the circumstances of each case. The reduction of unreasonable attorney’s fees is within the regulatory powers of the courts. A contingent fee is dependent upon a fixed rate agreed upon by both lawyer and client, dependent on the outcome of the case, albeit with a lower rate if they lose than if they win.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Policies Procedures And Programs Essay

Activity 1: Accurately explain to the work team relevant provisions of WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice. 1. The impact of a workplace injury is wide reaching. Explain. The impact of workplace injury is wide reaching because when hazards of physical and psychological type affect a worker, the impact is not only on the person, but also on the life, the family and of course on the future plans,as well as high compensation costs that the company will have to carry on with. The impact is not only economical or physical, after an accident or after being under stressful situations for instance, people can also be physiologically affected for a long time, reducing effectiveness and efficiency and reducing the life quality. 2. How is the integrity (validity) of information ensured? As an employee, if I want to validate the information provided by my employer in regards WHS or any other important or legal matter, it is recommendable to try to verify the information with the different governmental institutions. By doing this, they can state if the information is truth and accurately delivered as well as help to provide training. 3. List three sources of health and safety information that are relevant for your state/ territory. Living in Western Australia, if I need to consult or check some information about WHS, I would contact Work Safe WA, Fair Work Australia and Standards Australia. These 3 different sources will provide me with enough information to know if my employer is acting under the law and legislation and ways in which I can complain and ask for having a WHS environment. 4. Scenario: In every workplace there will be relevant provisions of WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice that apply. You are a team supervisor and it is your role to ensure that work teams are aware of these. The teams you supervise comprise relatively new workers who did not receive adequate induction and need to be brought up to date. How will you do this? Every  time I have a new team member, I would give them an appropriate induction according to their duties or the department they are working for. The induction will have an information session followed by training in which they can understand the type of hazards they are exposed to and how to deal with it. It is also very important to ask the new members to go through the material given in the information session and encourage them to validate it through the different sources like Safe Work Australia for Instance. Activity 2 1. Why is it important that all workers have access to health and safety information? It is important that all workers have access to health and safety information, because that information could be not only saving one life, it could also help to safe the lives of an entire company and also avoid having legal problems. It is everyone’s responsibility to be aware of WHS because that can provide a safe work environment to everyone and improve it every day. 2. If a worker had made suggestions for improvement regarding the design, development and management of health and safety in a company in which they worked, how could they go about having them ratified and implemented by senior management? In a first stage the worker making the suggestions has to validate that what is asked is under the legislation and appropriate for the type of industry and the state/territory. Once the information has been checked with the corresponding sources, the worker can give the suggestions to the manager for him to implement new procedures and handle out the information to the other workers. It is very important that every company show that they care about their employees and more over that they appreciate the staff wanting to participate and help to have a better work environment. If the worker’s effort is not appreciated they will lose interest on helping. 3. Before submitting these strategies to senior management for approval, should the worker consult with the members of their team/ department to get their input? Why/ why not? It is important that before submitting the new strategies, the worker consults with the team or the people directly involved or beneficiated by the new strategy. They have to be consulted because they are the responsible of the operations in that specific department and at the end they and their efficiency and productivity are going to be the affected or beneficiated by the new  strategy. WHS it is something that has to be consulted and approved to bring a positive impact on a group of people and not only for a few of them. Activity 3: Regularly provide and clearly explain to the work team, information about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control 1. Where might information about hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control result from? If in the company there is a WHS program or a person in charge of, the information about hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control results might come from it. 2. List five ways that a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) can provide clear explanations to work teams about identified hazards and the outcomes of risk assessment and control. Workshops or safety meetings in which the information can be provided in a short and concise way. Giving opportunities to the workers to be in contact with people or experts about WHS. Encourage workers to talk and discuss WHS matters as a team, because it is everybody’s responsibility. On the induction day, provide workers with all the information about WHS and other company procedures. Show the workers that the company is a WHS and that they can be safe at any moment. SECTION 2: IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR PARTICIPATION ARRANGEMENTS FOR MANAGING WHS Information relating to these activities can be found in Section 2, Part 1 – Learning support materials. Activity 4: Communicate to workplace parties the importance of effective consultation mechanisms in managing health and safety risks in the workplace. 1. What types of changes in the workplace would benefit from consultation between PCBUs and workers (or their representatives)? The type of changes in the workplace would be: More ownership and support for initiatives. Motivated workers who improve and contribute to continuous improvement. Respect for, and value of, worker opinions and experience. Knowledge of the job conditions and its risks. Activity 5: Apply consultation procedures to facilitate participation of the work team in the management of work area hazards. Explain the role of the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) in each of these consultation  procedures: 1. Attendance at team meetings: to demonstrate commitment with employees and WHS procedures, the representative and other attendants must show interest by asking questions and giving ideas or solutions. 2. Early response to work suggestions, requests, reports and concerns put forward to management: recognition for this kind of actions must be done, because through rewards the employees will feel valued and will be encouraged to keep this kind of behavior and a continuous improvements and participation. 3. Requirements as specified in Commonwealth and state/ territory legislation, regulations and codes of practice: once employees are informed about WHS, they will be aware of what it is expected from them and what can they expect from the company they are working for. Activity 6: Promptly deal with issues raised through consultation, according to organisational consultation procedures and WHS legislative and regulatory requirements. 1. What strategies can PCBUs use to consult with workers on health and safety issues? A wide number of strategies can be used to consult workers on health and safety issues, however, the most common and effective one will be the HSC. Through the regular meetings, the workers and management will feel encouraged to work together developing, monitoring and recording WHS programs that will benefit everyone. 2. Health and safety issues raised through consultation should be dealt with promptly. Why is this? Upload your answer for assessment. Issues raised through consultation should be dealt with promptly because it is a way to keep away from serious problems in which the law has to act, avoiding as well to incur in legal expenses and causing the less possible damage. Activity 7: Promptly record and communicate to the work team, the outcomes of consultation over WHS issues. 1. Create a meeting agenda template suitable for a HSC. Upload your template for assessment.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Technology Changes Role of Database Administrator

Technology Changes Role of Database Administrator The database administrator (DBA) is responsible for managing and coordinating all database activities. The DBAs job description includes database design, user coordination, backup, recovery, overall performance, and database security. The database administrator plays a crucial role in managing data for the employer. In the past the DBA job has required sharp technical skills along with management ability. (Shelly, Cashman, Waggoner 1992). However, the arrival on the scene of the relational database along with the rapidly changing technology has modified the database administrators role. This has required organizations to vary the way of handling database management.†¦show more content†¦(Sipolt 1995). The traditional database administrators strength is in creating the physical design of the database. The procedural database administrator is an expert in accessing data. Procedural DBAs are responsible for procedural logic support, application code reviews, acce ss path review and analysis, SQL rewrites, debugging, and analysis to assure optimal execution. (Mullins 1995) Along with the changing job description, administrators are facing increased demands from the corporations for which they work. Database administrators are responsible for staff cost control, hardware, software, and are becoming increasingly responsible for the work quality and response time of their staff. (Riggsbee 1995) The job modifications are not the only change in this industry. Database administrators received a substantial increase in their wages in 1995. The average earnings for a DBA are now $52,572 according to the 1995 survey source. However, salaries differ according to the specific region of the country in which one resides. The mid-level database administrator in San Francisco earns $55,000 to $65,000, substantially more than our survey states. However, Salt Lake City database administrators salary fell between $30,000 to $35,000. Another area of salaries on the rise is the health care profession. Previously lower end on the pay scale, hospital pay is on the rise and currentlyShow MoreRelatedEssay The Role of Database Administrator1418 Words   |  6 Pages Importance Few companies today can exist without an IT department. The IT department contains many of the company’s technology experts. Almost all companies rely on computers to some degree whether it is an international conglomerate or a small startup company. Some companies are very dependent on computer systems while others use them only for accounting for payrolls and everyday computer tasks. 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